Saturday, July 4, 2009

Rare "Snake Trout" Highlights Day 1, Group C!!

Seldom in the history of the Extravaganza (well, actually, folks, E 09 is, indeed, "one for the books"!) have three groups independently combined back-to-back [without any apparent collaboration] to take the sacred waters of Western Montana by storm and reveal seldom (in fact, never) before revealed secrets of the waters' hidden bounty.  Recall with me the wonderful dvm antics of Group A which led to the discovery on globally-warmed backwaters of the never-seen-before "Billtrout;" and, then travel with me down memory lane to the immediately following Group B discovery, by New York's finest educational financier, the one and only long-named "King Whiter" Mike "Pinot Noir" Stakias, of the heretofore unknown "Bullshit Fish" (Whitey still lamenting the undeniable fact, with prerogative as discover to name the beast, that he did not name it a "Bullshit Trout", btw), and now come up to date with me to the discovery just yesterday, on Day 1 of Group C's fishing adventures, by St. Helena's own Elizabeth "Snake Charmer" Pressler of the rare, dangerous, and yet landed "Snake Trout". 
Yikes, the Montana history of it all!!
Unblemished by the glamour of the IWFF previous night's debut of Shane Clouse's "Montana Matters" music video, shown above (in one of my all-time favorite Extravaganza pictures) is a Shepard father-daughter Double-Up (showing all why we now fish with "John The Great But Propaneless" Gould's Double Up Outfitters) followed by a pic showing the 20.5" beauty landed by Shepard son/bro Nicholas (which won him not only a trip to the Twenty Inch Board but also his very own Yellow Hat--marking and matching previous Yellow Hats won by father Brian and brother Josef).  And then, folks, there it is:  a pic of the special "oaring technique" that was used to land a 22" ever-so-rare "Snake Trout" (likewise earning capturer Snake Charmer a trip to the big board!).
Last but not least (actually, unfortunately, that WAS the case on Day 1 for him) is a photo of the very stylish "Gene, Gene The Fishing Machine" whose only bounty of the day was the unanimous declaration of being the "Best Hawaiian Dressed Extravaganzer"--way to go, GGTFM!!
Best to all from the glorious scene of it all!
Rock Creek Ron

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