Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good Times

From Group A (former Rookie) Terry Wilson:
      First I need to thank you and the Cocktail Queen for including Brian and me in your amazing extravaganza--it was a treat that has no comparison.  I would be happy to float down those streams any time, but given the company and all the fun and laughter, it was hard to leave.  I wasn't sure if fly fishing would ring my bell, but indeed it is a wonderful activity, absorbing and fun, and not as frustrating as I had feared , thanks to the guides.  As I mentioned on the phone, it is a lot like going surfing : the camaraderie, the talk of elemental conditions, the natural beauty all around, and the moving water, which has always attracted me.  And some people are really good at it!  You're generosity and graciousness to all are exemplary.  Rock Creek is like the streams I remember as a little kid up there, and is as perfect as one could imagine.  You really picked a classic spot to share with us all.          
      Ok, back to work.  Thank you both for the wonderful experience, the food and wine, the cast of characters,for sharing your beautiful home, and  teaching the old dog a new trick.  It was amazing!  Hope to see you soon,
                                                                                                                            Aloha, TW

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