Saturday, July 4, 2009

"Operation Hooters" an Operational Success!

Extravagant Ones:  
Born out of the innate genius of Group B's one and only Doug "Popeye" Hamilton who, upon hearing of Co-Group Ber Brian "Deer Me" McLeran's motorcycle accident that occurred with a deer encounter of the third kind, reached out to Headquarters "to see if it would be possible to engage in an 'Operation Hooters' to facilitate Deer Me's (wonderful) recovery from his venison quest of June 30th.  Well, with all requisite approvals quickly garnered in hand [to wit:  of wife Laura and of wonderful Community Medical Center's caring nurse Hill], at 1700 hours on 03 Jul 09, a bevy of four (count 'em) Hooter beauties were captured visiting Brian's ICU Room 330 and bestowing upon him not only their best wishes for a continued speedy recovery, but also a Hooter's mug to imbibe his hospital beverages as well as an autographed Hooters T-shirt calendar and a balloon filled bucket for his selective usage.
The gals came quickly on their own accord at Popeye's beckoning as it appears that our après fishing residencies at Hooters have, in their own extravagant way, have made a remarkable impression on the owlish establishment of hamburgers, beverages and "hooters".
Get well, Deer Me!
Alas, dear me, from the quickly waning scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

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