Tuesday, July 28, 2009

FW: Extravagant Thanks from the Scene of It All!!

From Group A DVM Jim Clark:
Hi Ron,

Your e-mail brought back such fond memories of the good times and laughs I shared with you, Kathy, and so many terrific new friends alongside Rock Creek at your beautiful home.  Thanks again for this great opportunity, and for all of your efforts to preserve this beautiful place.  

Warm regards,

Jim "Billtrout" Clark


FW: Extravagant Thanks from the Scene of It All!!

  From Group A's Terry Wilson (who, post-Extravaganza, internally renamed the lake his Napa house overlooks to "Montana Lake"!): 
 I think about that trip just about every day.  I've been snorkeling in Montana Lake and have encountered Black Bass and Blue Gill in the 12'' range.  They swim up to check me out, and I'm debating whether to spear- or fly fish--I think it'll be both.  I'm going to shop for a rod next time I get to town.  Thanks again for including us.     Aloha, TW


FW: Extravagant Thanks from the Scene of It All!!

A touching note from Group B's Montana Wildlife Federation President Tim Aldrich:
Ron and Kathy, this is a great Bow to tie onto this year's chapter of Extravagana. Your words are wonderfully well chosen, the visions you create are lasting and the message you carry so important to so many.  Your vision, your actions, your generosity and your seemingly endless supply of energy continue to amaze me and make me thankful for your choice to become so engaged in helping the world know that Montana, in all its parts and pieces, truly Matters.  I look forward to seeing you both soon.  tim 

FW: Extravagant Thanks from the Scene of It All!!

From Group A's John Rosenbaum:
Dear Ron:
I have been watching the hot off the press Extravaganza-produced music video "Montana Matters," and it is just fantastic.  Beautiful music and what a great filmmaking job.  Brings back many happy memories. 
All the best, John

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Extravagant Thanks from the Scene of It All!!

Fellow 2009 Extravaganzers:
Well, it has taken me the better part of three (count 'em!) weeks and a quick return trip to the Scene of It All (Wednesday afternoon, while at the Pt. Richmond office, I was musing about just what I was going to do the coming weekend and, before I knew it, I was on the phone to Delta Air Lines with a Thursday return flight ticket in hand!), but I think, to the extent humanly possible, I have finally fully recovered from the unabashed awesomeness of Extravaganza 2009...what a blast that was (and, with it now forever etched in my mental hard-drive, still is!)!!!  In every sense of the word, 57 strong this year, we came, we saw and we conquered all that this stunningly beautiful wonderful corner of the Earth known simply as "Montana" has to offer.
Indeed, the wonderful sights, sounds and peals of yet-ringing laughter that were part of Extravaganza 2009 may have passed on the calendar but they will forever live in our extravagant history together.  Kathy and I each thank each of you from the bottom of our hearts for taking time out of your otherwise busy lives to spend the better part of a week with us this summer--we love you and we loved every minute of the precious time that we spent together.  In many respects for both Kathy and me, as witnessed by the attached photo, the Extravaganza has become a permanent part of our joint life, and, simply stated, we just can't intelligently imagine a summer without this event in our lives--it provides us the opportunity to share with you the internal and external beauty that we discovered here just seven short years ago; it also provides us with the special opportunity to extravagantly thank each of your for being the importantly special parts of our life that you each are and have become.
In many ways, each Extravaganza, as it begins, is like a framed blank tapestry--we know its four corners of time but no one in their wildest imagination could fully anticipate the resultant painting that would evolve over our collective three weeks together.  Who, by way of example, would have thought that this year's event would be forever known as "The Year of the Girl"--from the Glennon Sisters of Group A, to the Hooters Girls of Group B to the bedazzling smiles of appreciation of both Group C's  Eliza Shepard and our Florida-based Rookie of the Year, Olivia Kingsland, yes, this year's extravagant event that, in its early years, was initially thought of a "guys' trip" and that then quickly evolved into a "father-son trip", fully blossomed itself into a trip that will forever be know as a safe-haven and playground for the fairer sex of all ages. 
And who in their right mind would have thought in advance that Extravaganza 2009's initially blank canvas would give sight to four (count 'em) new species of fish:  Group A's discovered global warming's product of the never-before-discovered "Billtrout"; Group B's brazen discovery of the ever elusive "Bullshit Fish" and land-resident "Deer Trout"; and Group C's first-ever Montana landing of the thought-to-be- venomous-but-probably-not "Snake Trout...indeed, what non-asylum-committed mind could ever have envisioned these discoveries?!?
From (a) the youthful enthusiasm of the Rosenbaum children in Group A to (b) the multi-year return of seasoned veterans like Group A's John "SOS" Reimann and Rich "Pink Panther" Kotoff; Group B's Doug "Popeye" Hamilton, "Squawfish Tim" & "Shanna Banana" Rodgers, Lori "The Fawn" Ware and the Bedfords Two; and Group C's Larry "Moon River" Klaustermeier, Cam "Mend" Carlson, and the now-Shepards Four to (c) the bevy of beauties and brawn that spent their rookie years with us, this year's Extravaganza was, indeed, "one for the ages--all ages" thanks to each and every one of you.  And, most importantly, both Kocktail Kathy and I hope that you forever took home a piece of Montana with you...that you do wake up in the middle of the nights to come to re-hear the rustling of the wind through boughs of her trees, that you frequently set aside moments of an otherwise hectic day ahead to reflect back upon the silent beauty that you witnessed here in her bosom, and that, proudly, you know that you were here among a selected few to share all that we did together for the simple reason that you belonged here.
What Kathy and I have learned in our surprisingly few years together here in Montana's Western regions is that all of the beauty that is here is not here by accident, but, rather, by divine guidance.  As Group B's Tim Foster so elegantly stated in our Extravaganza-produced music video "Montana Matters" (which you and the world can now view on YouTube by typing in the magic words "Montana Matters"), Montana matters in no small part because "it may be one of the last places where we can prove that we can co-exist with a beautiful environment."  What we have also learned is that that co-existence will be a successful experiment if, and only if, we curb the naturally unnatural inclination of man to destroy something that shines of pristine beauty.  To that end, as recent extravagant beneficiaries of the intrinsic value of that pristineness, we have to pledge to each other to work together to fight for victory in that co-existence--we each have shown in our own extravagant ways that, yes, we can come into this Montanaesque environment, enjoy its bounties and yet leave it a better place...to that end Montana matters to each of us and, as I did during our awards night ceremonies, I entreat you to visit, often, our Montana Matters website at www.montanamatters.com and to give, and to give often, of your time and your wealth so that this wonderful place known simply as "Montana" retains is natural wealth for time on end.  Kathy and I have proudly done and, on a daily basis, continue to do so, and, just as we did while you were here with us this summer, we would proudly welcome your enthusiastic company in this wonderfully rewarding cause...simply because Montana, indeed, matters. 
Again, as we put this final bow on Extravaganza 2009, Kathy and I each thank you for being here with us, for sharing your time and your sprit with us all and for remembering that we each now have the solemn duty to preserve for the ages what others before us have enabled us to so much enjoy.
Bless each and every one of you Extravagant Ones!
Best to all from the now-concluding scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Good Times

From Group A (former Rookie) Terry Wilson:
      First I need to thank you and the Cocktail Queen for including Brian and me in your amazing extravaganza--it was a treat that has no comparison.  I would be happy to float down those streams any time, but given the company and all the fun and laughter, it was hard to leave.  I wasn't sure if fly fishing would ring my bell, but indeed it is a wonderful activity, absorbing and fun, and not as frustrating as I had feared , thanks to the guides.  As I mentioned on the phone, it is a lot like going surfing : the camaraderie, the talk of elemental conditions, the natural beauty all around, and the moving water, which has always attracted me.  And some people are really good at it!  You're generosity and graciousness to all are exemplary.  Rock Creek is like the streams I remember as a little kid up there, and is as perfect as one could imagine.  You really picked a classic spot to share with us all.          
      Ok, back to work.  Thank you both for the wonderful experience, the food and wine, the cast of characters,for sharing your beautiful home, and  teaching the old dog a new trick.  It was amazing!  Hope to see you soon,
                                                                                                                            Aloha, TW

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

FW: November 7th Montana Matters Napa Concert/All-Extravaganza Reunion: Save The Date!!

Group C's Fred "The Guitar" Johnson speaks (wisely) from the heart:
Another great idea!!  Mark us down for attendance.  We'll see how Carole is doing by then but chances are good that we will be there and we will be good for the $200.00 whether or not we can be there.  Clearly Montana Matters to us all. 
Frederick A. Johnson, Principal
Total Planning Concepts, LLC

November 7th Montana Matters Napa Concert/All-Extravaganza Reunion: Save The Date!!

Extravagant Ones:
Here it is, gang, the just-scheduled, first-ever all-Extravaganza/Montana Matters Barn Dance Concert and Reunion to be held at the Napa Walsh Vineyards Management Carneros party hall at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 7th.   Montana Matters' own Troubadour, Shane Clouse, will be present in person to starlight this extravagantly embroidered evening to be filled with bbq, wine, beer, auction and participants/attire from each of our seven (count 'em!) Extravaganzas.
Mark you calendar, save the date, and tell your friends that there is going to be one whale of a time in Napa that evening, keynoted by Shane's written and now videoed newest hit, "Montana Matters", with all proceeds of the evening's event going to benefit the Montana Matters campaign.  Two special prizes will go to the person(s) with (a) the most varied genuine Extravaganza-embroidered adorned clothing and (b) the most varied genuine-or-otherwise Montana Matters adornments--go to www.montanamatters.com to purchase and begin your evening's collection!!
For years I have been wanting to do an all-Extravaganza gathering to include the participants from each of our seven years and what better time to do so than now!  This event will also be open to the public; as Extravaganza 2009 participants, you have first dibs on the available seating and you can guarantee/reserve your seats @ $100/person now by reply email to me.
Bueno, bueno, bueno, for, indeed, Montana Matters!
Best to all in the post-glory of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

Double-Up Your pleasure . . .

A wonderful and most appropriate note of thanks to our superlatively extravagant outfitter, "John The Great But Propaneless" Gould:


I wanted to let you know what an OUTSTANDING JOB you did as our 2009 Extravaganza Outfitter.   I believe this was my 11th or 12th trip to Missoula to fish the pristine local rivers, and we both were a lot younger when first we met up there.   Your assembly of hand-selected guides and management of our entire adventure was nothing shy of outstanding.   To my view, your only tree competition would be if Buddy could also learn to row!


 “Great White Schloetter” and I cherished the hunt for big fish and the extra efforts you took to make our day on the water with you and Buddy quite memorable.   Wishing you much continued success, and be ready for your own extravagant guide gag gift from us next year!


Have a great season!


“Popeye” Hamilton


Monday, July 13, 2009

Extravagant Group C Thanks!

Good afternoon Ron,

I just placed my order with Craig Sharpe. I know the kids will love the bison and what they stand for. I feel very fortunate that they have you and the group of people you put us in touch with to see how the world should operate. We continue to talk about the trip and not just the joy of fishing but of all the other lessons learned in Montana at the Extravaganza. It is not only great fun for me and my kids but a life learning experience. I cannot thank you and Kathy enough for giving myself and my children the opportunity to enjoy and experience Montana. 

Once again thank you and Kathy for your hospitality and open hearts.



The above is from Group C's (wonderful) Brian Shepard who Extravaganzed this year with all three of his prodigy:  Eliza, Josef, and Nicholas



Friday, July 10, 2009

FW: Thank You

A nice note from Group C's John (nee "rookie") John Mowat:
I can't thank you enough for your generosity of time, energy and spirit (and food, lodging, transportation, gifts, and more!) in including me in this year's Extravaganza 2009.  It was such a special time for me for so many reasons.   
  • It was my first time to Montana and I shudder to think how I could have gone decades from now and never have discovered this gorgeous land and these stunning rivers.  And I now can't wait to return to Montana.
  • It was my real introduction to fly fishing, which, for good or bad, I simply cannot get out of my head; the technique, the water, the never-ending learning, those damn crafty fish... it's got its hooks in me good.  
  • It was a wonderful opportunity to spend 4 solid days with my dad, who is truly one of my best friends.  And 
  • I consider myself very lucky to have been able to spend this time with your wonderful family and the entirely awesome Group C gang; I feel I've made some real friends that I hope to keep in touch with, and at the very least, see next year in Montana!  As a rookie fly fisherman, I am very grateful for all the valuable advice I received from this group... with none of the laughter my technique probably deserved!  My only concern is that my rookie status will no longer be a valid excuse... so by next year I'm going to have to come up a whole new batch of excuses for not reeling in the fish! 
Thank you again, sincerely, for allowing me to be part of something so wonderful.
All the best,


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

FW: thank you

Group C's Spencer Graham signs in:
Many, many thanks for a wonderful time; again truly memorable and fun too!
I will be forwarding you some ideas on how we might be able to help the Montana Matters program by the end of the week.    


Hello Ron from Napa

Group B's six-time (count 'em!) veteran Tim "Squawfish" Rodgers speaks out:

Good morning Ron,


Most importantly, I wanted to reach out this morning and thank you and Kathy again for not only including us in your lives but for all that you are doing for everyone.

We are aware and always very appreciative of our friendship.


Having said that, and  thinking that you and I did not get to fish this year (good year for you to stand back Ron), and that the fishing was tougher this year, I also have to point out that not only did Todd and I land yellow hats (thank you Scott) and the yellow shirt for group “2-B”,

but the Walsh boys collectively cleaned up in the 2 out of 3 groups they showed up for (2-B and group C).

The total resulting count for Extravaganza’s 3 groups?........2 out of 3 yellow shirts and 3 yellow hats…….. The count would have undoubtedly been more skewed if there were Walsh folks in the first group.

Well I’m concerned the others are going to think you are stacking the deck! Let me know if there is anything we can do to help!


You know what they say….when the fishing gets tough, the tough get fishing!! (especially the dirt farmers in the crowd!!)



I was sincere in telling you I would like to support your efforts in Montana and anything else that matters as well.

Let me know if there is anything we may do…

Shanna and I are not long on cash, otherwise we would do more in that way……please put us down for a total of 2 bison figures, I would like to have one for our Napa home as well. Ben Lamb contacted me about the 1st one, I need to get back to him on that one.

To keep confusion down, I’m going to let you tell him we are going to get a 2nd Bison and I’ll wait for him to contact me for that one. Or let me know how you would like to handle it.


Hey Ron, thanks again………oh yes!……….INCREDIBLE HOUSE ON THE BLACKFOOT!………..can’t wait to see it again!!

Assuming Bruce is done……we are thinking of spending Thanksgiving up there. Let me know if that fits your plans and is a realistic expectation, I mentioned this already to Brian.


Hope you and Kathy are recovering quickly from your efforts, we are thinking about you guys.


Hope to see you soon!




bravo, bravo, bravo on all counts, Squawfish!

RCR <'///>< 


A million Thanks

 A nice (redacted in part) effusive note of thanks from Group A rookie-no-more John Rosenbaum:

Dear Ron and Kathy:


I’ve just returned from the rest of two weeks vacation with my kids, and as I sit down to write this, I am just overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for making something as wonderful as Extravaganza happen in our lives.


I cannot begin to express how much we all enjoyed the experience and being with you and part of that wonderful Group A.  The entire trip, from picking Tyler up at the house, to finishing with our exploring down Rock Creek Road, was just magnificent.  And the time spent with you all, fishing, partying and being together, are times we will never forget and will always look back on with great memories.


I don’t even know where to begin to thank you both.  The entire Extravaganza experience was, simply but, well beyond my wildest dreams.  You have created a super-paradise among the natural paradise of Montana.  Your place is gorgeous, and your hospitality and kindness, magnanimous.  I can’t even begin to imagine all of the hard work and planning of each and every detail that went into the Extravaganza.  Well, I do know how hard you worked on it, and it really showed, and it really brought people together in a way that we will never forget.


The fishing too, was just incredible.  What a treat to be on the Blackfoot and Bitterroot Rivers.  And the guides could not have been better.  Our guide, Mark Hodek, is a great fisherman, naturalist and a hell of a nice guy.  A real gentleman too.  We thoroughly enjoyed fishing with him.  He was a great teacher of fly fishing and was also great with the kids.


The evenings back at your house too were spectacular.  The boat reports were great fun and the dinners delicious food and great conversation and camaraderie.  I just can’t say enough about what an unbelievable experience Extravaganza 2009 has been for me, Ben and Adam. ... 


Words can’t express our gratitude.  The Extravaganza was such a once in a lifetime opportunity, and we thank you both for making it possible and such a marvelous experience for all.  We wish you a most enjoyable time for the remainder of your time up in Montana and look forward to seeing you back in California in the near future.


Also, please send our wishes to Tyler for a great experience in New York.  I recall that he is leaving today.


With fond regards,


John, Ben and Adam Rosenbaum

Group C Wrap Up!

Group C arrived on the scene of Extravaganza 2009 with a couple-filled bundle of energy and left on the same high note, with at least one day (the memorable but otherwise fishingly forgettable Fourth of July [as long-time veteran Cam Carlson ably summarized fishing that day, "The adage about fishing and working was wrong today..I would have rather been working!]) better left unsaid other than to say all had as hot of a time on the water that day (temperature-wise only, that is) as Miss Piggy did that same day on the bbq.  That notwithstanding, Day 2 for Group C DID see veteran Larry "Moon River" Klaustermeier shown above doffing yet another Yellow Hat for his 19" cuttbow along with Spencer Graham's Yellow Hat tying 19" rainbow.
But, as fishing is, THEN there was Day 3 for Group C when the scoreboard began (for the first time in a while around here, folks) to light up...and light up it did for Boat One (captained by our unsurpassable outfitter "John The Great But Propaneless" Gould and crewed by RCR and 2009 Rookie of the Year, Orlando's own Olivia Kingsland [shown above all smiles], so awarded for her 20+ fish day and for coming one brown trout short of the Grand Slam [five different species of trout caught on the same day] on her very first day of fly-fishing) followed by boat report after boat report of higher and larger fish tallies--fish totals averaging 20+ (a welcome and extravagant sight, indeed!).  The big fish of the day went to Josef Shepard for his 19 1/2" rainbow with other stories of "the humungous ones that got away" filling the laughter filled outside boat report deck. 
Whether it was "the Clark Fork of the Bitterroot" reported by now-designated-"blondie" Eliza "Blondie" Shepard, the canyon of the Blackfoot or the West Fork of the Bitterroot, FINALLY weather conditions had calmed down enough to provide plenty of fodder for the evening's report.  The adjectives "magical", "wonderful", "breath-taking", "father-son bonding" and simply "great" filled each report, from that of the SS Klaustermeier vessel to the Garret/Shawback boat, to the Nici/Johnson report on the beauty of the Blackfoot's canyon, to the best report of them all [to wit:  Spencer Graham and Elizabeth Pressler's very wise and poignant decision to put the rods down and "just enjoy the beauty around them"--bravo to that wisdom!] the day was an apt one to cap off Extravaganza 2009--a day filled with indelible memories of God's natural bounty seen as it should be:  naturally.
Kudos to Nicholas Shepard, shown above proudly displaying his Yellow Shirt awarded for his 20 1/2" inch catch on Day One, and to the Nicholas-Josef Shepard combo that amassed an amazing three (count 'em) Yellow Hats between them, leaving town to return home to Napa in a golden blaze.  Indeed, fish pictures filled the monogrammed frames handed out on Group Three's Awards Night--all except for that given to "Gene, Gene The Fishing Machine" whose greatest catch in the early goings of Group C was the pitcher of beer that he was kind enough to share with his fellow Group Cers (after polishing of the top half solo, that is!).
Best to all from the quieting post-Extravaganza scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Group C Fish Pics! [Part 6]

Group C fish pics (6 of 6)--enjoy!!


Group C Fish Pics! [Part 5]

Group C fish pics (5 of 6)--enjoy!!


Group C Fish Pics! [Part 4]

Group C fish pics (4 of 6)--enjoy!!


Group C Fish Pics! [Part 3]

Group C fish pics (3 of 6)--enjoy!!


Group C Fish Pics! [Part 2]

Group C fish pics (2 of 6)--enjoy!!


Group C Fish Pics! [Part 1]

Group C fish pics (1 of 6)--enjoy!!


Monday, July 6, 2009

Der Blog turns 1100

 "Down River Dave" Studeman inquires:

Contest winner  (for being blog visitor # 1100) ?

 Dave Studeman

Sage Brandworks

nope--Group C had "gone fishin'" when this blessed event happened! 



Saturday, July 4, 2009


A nice Fourth of July note from Montana Wildlife Federation President, Tim Aldrich:
    I thank you for the running commentary on Brian and also the progress of the "C-ers."  As I expected folks are having on heck of a good time, enjoying Montana and the Clausen Hospitaliy.  I hope you all have a great Independence Day and enjoy the best that Miss Piggy has to offer, with an assist from Jeff.  Carol and I are enjoying a quiet day in preparation for the arrival of our daughter and her family tomorrow morning.  We hope to see you all at Ben's and Jasmine's ceremony next weekend.  Thanks for doing what you Clausens do to facilitate the understanding the Montana Matters whether matters is a noun or a verb.  Best from here to you guys!  p.s.--Carol is much better and acting more an more like the perpetual motion kid we know.   tim     

FW: Rare "Snake Trout" Highlights Day 1, Group C!!

Well put, Group B's Todd "Nipples" Fisher:
I am so proud of Gene that I could just vomit. 



From all of us here in Extravaganzaland to all of you "out there", a hearty HAPPY 4TH OF JULY!!
Shown above are our Extravaganza bbq chef extraordinaire "Cowboy Jeff" Freeman and son Tyler attending to the guest of honor, "Miss Piggy", for this afternoon's traditional bash.  Also shown is Olivia Kingsland who hails from Orlando, Florida, wondering "what in the hail" caused Cowboy Jeff to discard his traditional beaten up/well used head topping for one that looks better suited for parts far away from here!
Post-Piggy, Extravaganza Headquarters will also be the site for the Seventh Annual Rock Creek Casting Contest, that will see dozens of expert and no-so-expert fisherfolk vie for the honors of being proclaimed this year's champion (by casting a yarn-doffed fly rod over 80 feet into a hula hoop that most of us couldn't hoop in!).
Best to all from the scene of it all,

Rare "Snake Trout" Highlights Day 1, Group C!!

Seldom in the history of the Extravaganza (well, actually, folks, E 09 is, indeed, "one for the books"!) have three groups independently combined back-to-back [without any apparent collaboration] to take the sacred waters of Western Montana by storm and reveal seldom (in fact, never) before revealed secrets of the waters' hidden bounty.  Recall with me the wonderful dvm antics of Group A which led to the discovery on globally-warmed backwaters of the never-seen-before "Billtrout;" and, then travel with me down memory lane to the immediately following Group B discovery, by New York's finest educational financier, the one and only long-named "King Whiter" Mike "Pinot Noir" Stakias, of the heretofore unknown "Bullshit Fish" (Whitey still lamenting the undeniable fact, with prerogative as discover to name the beast, that he did not name it a "Bullshit Trout", btw), and now come up to date with me to the discovery just yesterday, on Day 1 of Group C's fishing adventures, by St. Helena's own Elizabeth "Snake Charmer" Pressler of the rare, dangerous, and yet landed "Snake Trout". 
Yikes, the Montana history of it all!!
Unblemished by the glamour of the IWFF previous night's debut of Shane Clouse's "Montana Matters" music video, shown above (in one of my all-time favorite Extravaganza pictures) is a Shepard father-daughter Double-Up (showing all why we now fish with "John The Great But Propaneless" Gould's Double Up Outfitters) followed by a pic showing the 20.5" beauty landed by Shepard son/bro Nicholas (which won him not only a trip to the Twenty Inch Board but also his very own Yellow Hat--marking and matching previous Yellow Hats won by father Brian and brother Josef).  And then, folks, there it is:  a pic of the special "oaring technique" that was used to land a 22" ever-so-rare "Snake Trout" (likewise earning capturer Snake Charmer a trip to the big board!).
Last but not least (actually, unfortunately, that WAS the case on Day 1 for him) is a photo of the very stylish "Gene, Gene The Fishing Machine" whose only bounty of the day was the unanimous declaration of being the "Best Hawaiian Dressed Extravaganzer"--way to go, GGTFM!!
Best to all from the glorious scene of it all!
Rock Creek Ron

"Operation Hooters" an Operational Success!

Extravagant Ones:  
Born out of the innate genius of Group B's one and only Doug "Popeye" Hamilton who, upon hearing of Co-Group Ber Brian "Deer Me" McLeran's motorcycle accident that occurred with a deer encounter of the third kind, reached out to Headquarters "to see if it would be possible to engage in an 'Operation Hooters' to facilitate Deer Me's (wonderful) recovery from his venison quest of June 30th.  Well, with all requisite approvals quickly garnered in hand [to wit:  of wife Laura and of wonderful Community Medical Center's caring nurse Hill], at 1700 hours on 03 Jul 09, a bevy of four (count 'em) Hooter beauties were captured visiting Brian's ICU Room 330 and bestowing upon him not only their best wishes for a continued speedy recovery, but also a Hooter's mug to imbibe his hospital beverages as well as an autographed Hooters T-shirt calendar and a balloon filled bucket for his selective usage.
The gals came quickly on their own accord at Popeye's beckoning as it appears that our après fishing residencies at Hooters have, in their own extravagant way, have made a remarkable impression on the owlish establishment of hamburgers, beverages and "hooters".
Get well, Deer Me!
Alas, dear me, from the quickly waning scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

Friday, July 3, 2009

IWFF 2009 Filmmakers Rock Rock Creek!

"Extravagance" was the world of the evening as the 2009 IWFF/Extravaganza filmmakers unveiled their superlative music video of Shane Clouse's written and sung newest hit, "Montana Matters".  Shown above are this year's film crew of (left to right) Producer Margaret Gainer; filmmakers Chad Dawson, Erik Gjetmundsen and Julian Jamerson next to the star himself, Shane Clouse, followed by RCR and filmmakers Indigo Ryan, Mackenzie "Mac" Enich and Erin McCarter; accompanied by Producers Kathy Pasternak and (kneeling in [silent prayer?]) Ali Tabibnejad.
As the first-ever music video to be released in Charles Morrow 3D sound, the eight minute debut to a private audience of over 60 enthusiastic followers saw the words of Shane's magnificent hymnal song unfold in the glory of Montana's many backdrops (its mountains, rivers, and streams with bison, horses, bighorn sheep, peacocks, eagles and osprey as the real-life players) intermixed within which were poignant mini interview segments with folks of all ages explaining why Montana matters to them.  The final product can soon be seen by all on the Montana Matters website, www.montanamatters.com and Shane's own website www.shaneclouse.com .
Bravo, bravo, bravo!!!
Best to all from the scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron


Thursday, July 2, 2009

The Deer Trout

Extravaganza Hoax Exposed! Cyclist Feigns Injury to Capture Yellow Hat!

After two days of intense investigation, Down River Dave Studeman and Mighty Mini Lynn Turnbull have uncovered a suspected hoax played on Group B (er 2!). More brazen than Bernie’s ponzi scheme antics, Harley Hog Rider, Brian McLeran was secretly spotted fondling this elusive 59” Deer Trout. Having fooled countless well wishers, McLeran stole away on his own to capture the giant fish.

While using his hospital bed as a makeshift Mackenzie River boat, McLeran navigated the canyon section of the Blackfoot River alone and late in the evening, using a special dry fly, fashioned from hospital gauze and suture materials to fool his prey.His inability to let go of the fish resulted in local Missoula paparazzi snapping this shot of a proud but unsuspecting Brian with his prize Deer Trout. They were quick to call DRD – he being a marketing type and with the right press connections to insure that this travesty would not go unpublished. The shame of it all!!

Get well Brian - Love ya! Lynn and Dave

Extravagant Greetings to SGT Thomas Enseleit

All of us here in Rock Creek, MT extend to SGT Thomas Enseleit (photoed above waving our MT home state flag) of Valier MT and currently a Missoula resident [but now part-time resident of Basrah, Iraq!], our very best Extravagant wishes and congratulations as being designated The Official Extravaganza 2009 July 4th Hometown Hero!!
Safe journey(s) to you--it is because you (and your fellow brethren and sisters) being there that we are able to be here, for which we all are forever thankful and hereby salute you!
God Bless America!!
Best from the Extravagant scene of Extravaganza 2009,
Rock Creek Ron

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

FW: Group B Wrap-Up!

A picky, picky, picky b.s. attempted clarification to early properly
reported b.s. from New York's finest, "King Whitey" Stakias:


I beg to differ. As you know terminology is important. That's a "Bullshit
Trout" not a "Bullshit Fish".

Have a great weekend!


FW: Wounded Group B Warrior!

Well, not all things go according to plan as the McLeran brothers learned early yesterday morning on their return motorcycle trip to the Bay Area.  Just an hour out of Dodge (read, Missoula) while motoring over into Idaho, "a large deer" unexpectedly lept a onto the roadway in front of front pacing rider Brian, with bro Ralph far enough behind to view and avoid the potentially disastrous scene that then quickly unveiled:  Brian hit the deer mid-section and, in talking with him this morning in his ICU Missoula Community Medical Center room, tells of "riding the deer as far as I could until I flipped over her".  The resultant damage was (fortunately) only six fractured ribs, a broken scapula, a punctured lung and a damaged spleen--all of which are on mend's way (see, you ARE supposed to "mend" during the Extravaganza!) and arriving wife Laura and daughter Emily, who I picked up at noon today at MSO, proclaiming that, indeed, the events of yesterday will be known as "Brian's Last Ride", forever proclaiming him to be Brian "Deer Me" McLeran!!
Shown above are (a) Brian's now trophy-scarred helmet damaged from where he hit the pavement; (b) bro Ralph pointing to Brian's newest form of preferred transportation (the helicopter than medivaced him to ICU); and (c) Brian in the flesh (all of it via hospital gown, btw) giving us all an extravagant thumbs-up earlier this first day of July and sporting his newest prize--an honorary Yellow Hat (upon receipt of which he proudly proclaimed, "I bet I am the first Extravaganzer to get one of the for t-boning a deer!").
All's well that ends well, but this chapter in Extravaganza history sure had some anxious moments!
Best to all now taking a breath after the scariness of it all,

Group B Wrap-Up!

The Group Formerly Known as B came in like a lion and went out like a larger lion, setting all kind of group records for wine and other alcohol consumption, donations to the Montana Matters campaign and pace-setting additions to our Twenty Inch Club.  Not to be overwhelmed by the antics of Lori "The Fawn" Ware and "Shanna Banana Rodgers, the final night of Group B saw four (count 'em!) additions to the Club, including one of the most suspect order, demonstrating that, indeed, size matters, as Tom Thornhill (shown above "signing in") prized 20" brown was upstaged by (a) Dave Studeman's above shown 20 1/4" brown; by (b) Tim Rodgers Yellow Shirt winning above shown 20 1/2" brown and ; by (c) Mike Stakias photographed entry of a one-of-a-kind 60" "Bullshit Fish", awarding the latter an honorary Yellow Hat--yes, gang, talk about b.s.!!
Every Group B third day of fishing boat boasted both more and larger fish than the prior two days, with catches in the 17", 18", and 19" category with the general consensus among both fisherfolk and guide alike that the rivers are still "running large" with runoff water and that they have yet to really "open up" and fulfill nature's bounty to our banded warriors.  That bodes well for Group C, as well as for the fact that I can now officially announce that there WILL be sufficient supplies of Elizabeth Spencer wines and other adult beverages as, try though they did, the larder remains laden with ample supplies of each (although Kocktail Kathy WAS seen doing a dynamite run in Missoula earlier this day to restock some Group A and B earlier preferred darker single malt beverages).
Tomorrow night, the first night of Group C, will also mark the unveiling of this year's Extravaganza Film Camp product--a music video of Shane Clouse's marvelous masterpiece "Montana Matters"--the first music video in the world that has been produced in and that wall be released in Charles Morrow 3D sound, courtesy of son Tyler who, on Group C's Monday departure day, leaves for New York City (the home of the now fabled Bullshit Fish portrayer, "King Whitey: Mike "Pinot Noir" Stakias [do you realize how many key strokes that name takes?!?).
Best to all from the quiet scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

Announcing the Line Up for Famous Group C!!

Here it is, gang, the final line up for the final group, our famous Group C-ful of husbands, wives, veterans and Floridians:
Hailing from the great hanging-chad-ful State of Confusion/Florida are your Hostess With The Mostess' [older by minutes] twin sister Julie "Don't Start With Me" Meier along with DSWM's former sister-in-law Barbie "The Doll" Kingsland, along with her granddaughter "Olivia The Magnificent" soon to be joined by Naples resident and Alaskaganza veteran, yet Extravaganza rookie Jim Nici.
Husbands and wives abound with veteran couples that include (a) "newly weds" Grady Garrett and his bride "Smilin' Penny" Shawback (they had been dating for 23 years and [finally!] last February were wed in Hawaii); (b) Mark "Napa" Grassi and his yellow shirt-winning bride of now 25 years Jami "The Bulltrout" Grassi; (c) returnees after a five year hiatus Spencer Graham and Elizabeth Pressler [donors of our 20 case of yummy Elizabeth Spencer wine (hmmmm...wonder how that wine got its name!)]; (d) Cam "Mend" Carlson and Jeannot "Believe It Or Not" Carlson; and last (and in his case, at least, certainly least) Larry "Moon River" Klaustermeier and his beautiful multi-decadal wife "Ann The Nurse".
Prodigy are also included in this year's Group C, as long-time veteran Brian "The Stick" Shepard is joined by all three of his children:  veterans Josef and Nicholas as well as by their sister rookie Eliza.  Prodigiously as well, veteran Bruce Mowat will be joined this year by his rookie son John and, in this case last and certainly NOT least, Group C's 18 strong band of warriors is rounded out by none other than both Extravaganza as well as Alaskaganza veteran, the one, the only "Gene, Gene The Fishing Machine" Fegerson who, on a nightly basis, will soon be walking in the door haggardly asking "I am looking for The Rainbow River Lodge..is this it?!?"
With the above, Extravaganza 2009 concludes 57 strong with fisherfolk of all walks of life but with the one common thread:  "I came, I saw, I conquered the hallowed trout-filled fishing streams of Western Montana--God's own backyard."

FW: Group B Pics

A wonderful note from Group A's "Pineapple Jeannie" Cahill:

Hi Ron and Kathy:

Such great memories of the five days we stayed with you and all the wonderful folks we met in Group A.  The memories will surely last a lifetime.  So many laughs and oh so many barbs amongst us but always in jest!  You certainly know how to pamper your guests albeit the 7am departure was a bit difficult after that infamous martini you made for me…did you notice I did not order one the following night???  I really do hope we return once again and  at least this time I will have a better idea what I am in for!   


Love the photos attached here and can honestly say I appreciate them better now that I have been initiated into fly fishing Rock Creek Ranch style, just a fishin’ all day on the Bitterroot or the Blackfoot and eating pineapple!  Tell Scott we miss him too…..Love, Jeannie “Pineapple” Cahill

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

FW: Montana

A (very) nice note from Group B's Todd "Nipples" Fisher:
I finally had a minute to reflect upon my few days. I now understand what
you are doing in Montana. I didn't before I came.
Montana is beautiful, your home is fabulous, the group was outstanding and
Kathy . . . well she just tops the whole list.
You are truly a blessed man.
Thank you for sharing with me. Again.

Extravagant Group B Thanks

A nice note from :King Whitey: Mike "Pinot Noir" Stakias (aka, "The Man From
New York City"):

Thanks again for a wonderful time. I enjoyed it very much and can't wait to
send a copy of the pic of my Bullshit Trout to Foster! He's already left
me 2 messages wondering how my 2 days went.

I left a check for you on your desk. I hope it will be helpful. Also looking
forward to having the Bison head decorating my home office.

Thanks again to you both. I'm not sure I deserved a coveted slot in Group
"2" but I enjoyed meeting everyone and all of the activities. Give my best
to Kathy (she must be a saint!) and I look forward to hearing more about
Group 3 and how you're doing with Montana Matters.


G. Michael Stakias
President & CEO
Liberty Partners, L. P.