Wednesday, June 3, 2009

FW: The Race is On...

...for (y)our 500th visitor to Der Blog !!
As tradition holds, with a site visit counter located just below the blog usage instructions on the right-hand side of the front page of Der Blog, the Extravaganzer who is our 500th visitor will receive, upon arrival at Extravaganza Headquarters, a bottle of (truly coveted and rare) 2001 vintage Rock Creek Red (rated by the wine editor for USA Today as "one of the best cabernet sauvignons that he had tasted" [we gave him two extra bottles to take home to his NY larder after his laudations!]).  To win, (a) you need to be the 500th (yes, "exactly 500", Group A's John "Almost in 2008" Reimann!) visitor to Der Blog; (b) print off the first few pages of the blog showing the number 500; and (c) email the evidence to yours truly, whereupon you will be pronounced "Da Winner"!!
Indeed, the race is on...don't be left a-nappin'!
Best to all on the cusp of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

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