Thursday, June 11, 2009

FW: Extravagantly Good News, Gang!

Extravagant Ones:
For you Extravagant weary emails-readers-of-mine, AT LAST, the time has come to officially pronounce that "the deed is done" and prime-time fishing conditions have officially arrived (a full week early!) on our targeted rivers for E-09--the Clark Fork of the Columbia River, the Bitterroot River and the Big ("A River Runs Through It" Blackfoot River!!  For those of you who are now students of what we are witnessing, months ago I foretold that when the discharge flow on Rock Creek reduced itself to around 1850 cubic feet per second ("cfs"), at that point in time (a) Rock Creek became fishable for its world famous salmon fly hatch and, shortly thereafter, our targeted rovers would be likewise prime-time fishable. 
Well, gang, earlier this second trimester June day [(as in very early) this morning], the flow on Rock Creek boasted a 1,820 cfs flowage and, guess what, Group A's Land "Two If By Sea" Tawney will be floating Rock Creek today (right by Headquarters, I might add) and I am most curious to learn of his fishing success during tonight's evening hours.  Simply stated, one and all, the runoff is now officially behind us and all that we have in front of us know is our own prowess as an obstacle to fishing heaven...and that is why we fish with guides, as why rely on our own foibles when we can virtually guarantee success by siding ourselves with some of Montana's best local fishing experts?!?
And for those of you in Group A (all of whom will arrive in Missoula just nine days from today!) it is not too early to start tuning into Der Blog on a daily basis to take a peek at what the forecasted weather has in store for you.  With the huge caveat that Montana is a bundle of microclimates, the macro picture is now starting to unfold itself and, guess what, the long-range weather forecast is simply "perfect" for Group A:  partly cloudy skies with Father Day's highs projected to be in the mid-70's followed by two days in the mid-80's.  "Partly cloudy skies", as you veterans are well aware, is the best fishing news possible, as the largest and, therefore, wiser fish tend to eschew making public appearances on crystal blue, cloudless days (they become easier pickings on those days for cruising eagles and ospreys); and any long-term projected thunder cell activity tends to dampen fishing prospects, as the fish are immensely sensitive to barometric pressure changes, such that a stable barometer, time and time again, will yield better fishing results.  But remember, gang, Montana's weather is like a fickle little blip and clear sailing can lead to stormy skies!
The above is just about the best news that I could give you on the cusp of Extravaganza 2009.  In fact, yesterday, I talked with our outfitter, John "The Great" Gould at some limited length (he was on babysitting duty with and for his two beautiful young-uns), and he said that he was sorry that, based on prior years' experience, he had not booked many early June trips (the waters last year were simply unfishable on our local rivers until very late June) and he is now sorry that he had not done so, as "The Party Is Now On", according to His Greatness.
What does that mean for all three of our Groups, folks?  Well, the above is simply the best Extravagant News that I could ever hope to deliver to your doorstep this early Thursday morning!!  As for me, I have a full day of client meetings and then, believe it or not, at this very moment tomorrow morning I will be headed to SFO to board my Delta Air Line flight(s) to Montana and then be able to report to you first hand what all hands are now otherwise confirming, to wit:  The Flag is officially up for the Montana 2009 summer fishing season and each of you have fifty yard line seats!
Best to all on the cusp of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

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