Monday, June 22, 2009

FW: Opening Day Extravaganza 2009!

From Group B's Tim "MWF Pres" Tim Aldrich:
It looks and sounds like E09 is up and running and who would have expected less?  I just wanted you to know that I took a practice run on the upper reaches of Rock Creek yeterday with five other friends.  It was on a secret and seldom floated reach of the Great Creek.  It took me all of 23 seconds to hook my first cutthroat.  We had a great afternoon and caught a lot of fish although nothing of great size.  It was my first time ever floating on Rock Creek and probably my first fishing on Rock Creek in well over 20 years.  It is still as you and I both know, one of those places providing resources and opportunties that truly make Montana Matter.  I hope all of Team#1 have a great father's day with fishing to boot!  My juices are flowing so ask them all to leave some for Team #2.  tim

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