Sunday, May 17, 2009


Extravagant Ones:
FINALLY, here in the climes of Montana, warm weather has found its way to these parts and, overnight, we have sashayed directly from winter to summer--no spring required!  Today, here at Extravaganza Headquarters, as billed, temperatures were (and are!) in the mid-80's, which should put the upper mountain temperatures in the mid-60's--3 degrees less per thousand feet in altitude--and that should be all it takes to get Runoff 2009 in full swing.
At the request of Group B's Doug "Popeye" Hamilton, attached are photos of Rock Creek (the first and third from right behind Headquarters) taken within the last 24 hours BEFORE the runoff really stets in.  Flowage was right about 1500 cfs when these pics were taken and I fully expect the flow rate to double in the next week to upwards of 3000 cfs!
As for me, well, the International Wildlife Film Festival is now behind us and and son Tyler and I return to the Bay Area tomorrow knowing that the next time we each are here will be the opening cusp of Extravaganza 2009.  Simply stated, all is ready for your arrival(s) here beginning next month and we just can't wait!
Best to all from the scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

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