Thursday, May 14, 2009

Extravagant Labs, Runoff and Bears, Oh My!

Greetings, Extravagant Ones, from the very, very busy scene of Extravaganza 2009!
Since my arrival here with son Tyler last Friday afternoon, things have been going non-stop with not only final preparations for Extravaganza 2009 but also the (wonderful) Montana Matters (see roll-out of the international educational and fundraising campaign now for the International Wildlife Film Festival (last month this "Collaboration for Conservation" between IWFF and the Montana Wildlife Federation [which I am privileged to chair] was rolled out with the MT governor in Helena at MWF's annual convention!). 
Saturday saw we Clausens shepherding a 1,000 person parade down Missoula's main streets to Caras Park for an afternoon of festivities together with Group B's magnificent "Downriver Dave" Studeman [whose superb branding company, Sage Brandworks, did the Montana Matters trade identity branding (gratis, I might add)] and, yesterday, DRD, your Hostess with the Mostess Kocktail Kathy, son Tyler and MWF's staff guru Ben Lamb co-hosted a $100/person private cocktail party at the fortressesque Rock Creek home of our great friends Roy & Susan O'Connor which was attended by over 50 generous folks.  At that time, as the attached photos show, KK, son Tyler and yours truly got to see for the first time since the day of her birth the newest member of our family, a spankin' brand new O'Connor Lab pup, who will show up here at Extravaganza Headquarters just about the time of your first arrival.  With trusty cocker "Sir" already a 10 year veteran of our family, it was only appropriate and ERA-ish fair that we name this newest female family addition "Ma'am" and, accordingly, "Ma'am" it is and so will be!  Say hello to the two blushing babes!
Attached you will find your latest copy of the current (non-)runoff report, confirming just what DRD and Group A's "Big Ben" Lamb are overseeing--a very slow-to-evolve runoff, such that Rock Creek (shown in the background as well separately with our traditional Log-O-Meter) and the surroundings environs (we just returned from a drive up and down the Blackfoot drainage) has yet to witness the warm-up in temperatures to begin the now-delayed seasonal runoff.  So much delayed are things, that, (a) about an hour ago while driving up the Creek and back to Headquarters DRD spotted a cinnamon-colored black bear frolicking in the Creek and (b) the boys are fishing behind the house right now (Ben just returning and reporting that he landed [and released] an 8" brown trout, with DRD being a little confused as he was last seen walking UPstream!).
So, gang, there you have it--labs, runoff and bears, oh my!  We are now cleaning up to attend another in-town IWFF cocktail reception for yet another roll out of this glorious Montana Matters campaign--something each of you will get to witnesses and partake in very, very soon!
Best to all from the scene of it all,
Rock Creek Ron

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