Saturday, March 7, 2009

Extravagant (non-fishing) Fisher Tracks!

Extravagant Ones: 
While out moving wood this morning, one of our great neighbors came by to excitedly report that he had just been following the tracks of a (rare to these parts) "fisher", which had traversed up Rock Creek from and over his ice-covered pond right down our backyard path to the river.  Attached are photos evidencing the discovered tracks of this peculiar animal, oft also referred to as the North American marten.  According to my knowledgeable cohort, the fisher in in fact a non-fishing animal that walks in a straight line (as in these photos), often dragging a foot (see drag marks) and is five toed with hind paws cleaved by a patch of hair (paws which can rotate 180 degrees to aid in tree climbing!).
I offered fishing lessons to the (non-fishing) fisher and promptly posted a sign to that effect tracks-side; so far, however, no taker(s)!
Never a dull moment in Extravaganzaland!
Best to all from the scene of it all,

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