It is with the greatest pleasure, that I introduce myself for the 2009 Extravaganza, and say hello again, to any of you from the first three seasons of this wonderful event.
My name is John Gould, and I was lucky enough to be a part of the first three years of the Extravaganza's adventures here in the Big Sky Country. I've been a guide on Montana rivers since 1995, a fisherman since I could walk, and as any of you from the first three Extravaganzas may recall, a crazy fishing guide. There are no words to describe how happy I am, to be back with Ron, Kathy and all of you in 2009 and the years to come! I am really looking forward to seeing some of the familiar faces, as well as all of the new ones this event will bring. I must say, we can't wait to help make this the fun filled adventure that I remember it as in it's first few years!
Winter in Montana: At the moment, our snow packs are a little more on the safe side this winter. We are currently at about 116% in the Bitterroot drainage, 129% in the upper Clark Fork, and 98% in the lower Clark Fork. If you like, you can keep an eye on our snow packs at
Our snow packs tell us quite a bit about our upcoming fishing season, and these are great numbers for our trout, and for the time of year to have said percentages. Our spring run off typically starts in late April and goes through the end of the first week in June. This triggers the Salmon fly hatch, and starts our season off with a bang! The hatches keep coming at a great clip, and keep us and our fish busy right through the end of July. Late June and early July is an exciting time because so many hatches are overlapping each other, turning the trout into hungry, fly chasing machines. Long story short, with another "normal" Montana winter 3/4 of the way under our belt, we are looking forward to a good amount of water, and some very, very healthy fish for the '09 Extravaganza!!!
I am also proud to announce, the first annual HAWAIIAN SHIRT DAY! This will be held on the first day of fishing for each of the three groups. The "ugliest", or I might say, most "unique" shirt will be awarded a prize yet to be determined. Possibly a bowl of soup

Looking forward to seeing you all this spring!
Best Regards,
Double-Up Outfitters LLC
4209 Edgewater way
Phone: (406)-777-5668